2016:126 - Hopkins House, Church Hill, Wicklow, Wicklow

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Wicklow Site name: Hopkins House, Church Hill, Wicklow

Sites and Monuments Record No.: WI025-012001 Licence number: 16E0371

Author: Antoine Giacometti

Site type: Site of motte


ITM: E 731166m, N 694353m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.983852, -6.046569

Test-trenches were excavated as part of an archaeological assessment for a proposed new house at Hopkin’s House, Church Hill, Co. Wicklow. Adjacent to the site is a mound, which is likely to be the remains of an Anglo-Norman motte (WI025-012001). A visual impact assessment of the development on the motte was undertaken. An extensive (c. 35%) testing and metal detection programme (16R147) on the site was conducted in order to assess the presence of military occupation or medieval settlement associated with the motte. An assessment of the built heritage on the site was also conducted. Despite the high archaeological potential for the site, no features or artefacts of archaeological significance were identified during the testing programme. The proposed site was found to be heavily landscaped and comprised of modern made ground typical of gardens.

Archaeology Plan, 32 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2