2016:045 - Spinans Hill 1, Wicklow

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Wicklow Site name: Spinans Hill 1

Sites and Monuments Record No.: WI027-078002 Licence number: 16E0338

Author: William O'Brien

Site type: Hillfort


ITM: E 691957m, N 691590m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.967182, -6.631068

Sample excavation was undertaken in July 2016 at the prehistoric hillfort of Spinans Hill 1, Co. Wicklow. The investigation of that site is part of a research project on prehistoric hillforts in Ireland, based in University College Cork and funded by the Irish Research Council. This involved the excavation of a single trench across the single enclosing bank of this univallate hillfort. This revealed a collapsed bank of loose stone, with no structural features or acompanying ditch. There are no significant finds from the trench, though samples for radiocarbon dating were recovered from pre-bank and post-bank contexts.

Department of Archaeology, University College Cork