2016:842 - Killynan (Pratt) 4, Westmeath

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Westmeath Site name: Killynan (Pratt) 4

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0162

Author: Brendan Fagan

Site type: Burnt mound


ITM: E 652375m, N 757090m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.561103, -7.209447

Archaeological excavation took place at Killynan (Pratt) 4, located along the route of the N52 Cloghan to Billistown Road Improvement Scheme: Phase 1 - Cloghan to Turin in County Westmeath.

Excavations at Killynan (Pratt) 4 identified the remains of a single trough and a spread of burnt mound material indicative of burnt mound/fulacht fiadh activity. Three additional features were identified within the vicinity of the trough; these were subsequently investigated and found to be natural depressions/stone sockets which had been filled with burnt mound material.

c/o IAC Ltd, Unit G1 Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow