2016:342 - Athlone, Westmeath

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Westmeath Site name: Athlone

Sites and Monuments Record No.: WM029-042 Licence number: 10E0186 (Extension)

Author: Martin Fitzpatrick

Site type: Urban, monitoring


ITM: E 603757m, N 741901m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.427203, -7.943470

Monitoring of additional site investigations relating to the Athlone Main Drainage scheme were undertaken over a period of 10 days from September 2016. Investigations were monitored at four separate locations in the vicinity of Athlone town. The works involved the mechanical excavation of seven slit trenches and seven test pits. Structural remains were encountered in four slit trenches excavated.

Three slit trenches were excavated along Coosan Road/Abbey Road. In the east of trench 10.1 (located at ITM 603757 741901) the remains of a wall, running north-south were uncovered. It measured 1.3m in depth and 0.65m in width. The wall was bounded by mortar and a small piece of red brick. Along the north edge of the trench poured concrete associated with a east-west running culvert abutted the wall. The trench was excavated to a maximum depth of 1.6m and the natural clay was revealed at a depth of 1.2m.

Slit Trench 10.2 was located in the area adjacent to the Abbey, WM029-042 and Athlone Workhouse. Excavations revealed a rubble fill in the east of the trench which may be associated with the Workhouse.

Slit Trench 10.3 was located to the south of Athlone Workhouse. In the centre of the trench the remains of a wall were revealed, measuring 0.45m in depth and c.0.5m in width. The stones measured 0.19m x 0.17m x 0.70m. This area has been disturbed by the laying of a number of pipes.

Monitoring along Canal Banks Road, on the west side of the Shannon, revealed the remains of a wall directly below the surface. It appears that this wall may be associated with the Lock Mill indicated on the 3rd edition OS map as existing in this general location.


Athenry, County Galway