2016:072 - Low Street, Ballymore, Westmeath

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Westmeath Site name: Low Street, Ballymore

Sites and Monuments Record No.: WH024-179 Licence number: 16E0281

Author: Martin E. Byrne, Byrne Mullins & Associates

Site type: No Archaeological Remains Encountered


ITM: E 622228m, N 749022m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.490742, -7.665047

Monitoring of site preparation/foundation trench excavations works associated with the construction of a rear extension to a dwelling at Low Street, Ballymore, Co. Westmeath was undertaken. The work was carried out in compliance with Condition 2 of the Grant of Planning from Westmeath County Council (Plan. Ref: 15/7115). The plot is located within the Zone of Archaeological Potential associated with the former medieval borough of Ballymore (WM024-179).

No subsurface features or deposits of archaeological interest were uncovered, and no artefacts of archaeological interest were recovered, during the course of the works, which included the foundation trench excavations for the extension and general site preparation/ground reduction works to the immediate south and east of the extension.

7 Cnoc na Greine Square, Kilcullen, Co. Kildare