2016:033 - Dunnamona, Westmeath

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Westmeath Site name: Dunnamona

Sites and Monuments Record No.: WM023-013 Licence number: 16E0297

Author: John Kavanagh

Site type: Motte and bailey


ITM: E 614301m, N 750052m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 533,001.000000, 74,740.000000

An assessment was carried out to assess the archaeological potential of a development site in Dunnamona, County Westmeath. The proposed development of a single dwelling and ancillary works is located immediately to the north of the zone of archaeological potential of a prominent motte and bailey (WM023-013001/2). The assessment included a test excavation which was carried out during June 2016. Three trenches were excavated but no features or finds of archaeological significance were found.

County Carlow