County: Waterford Site name: Ring Helvick Water Supply Scheme - SHANACLOON; MOAT; BALLYNAGAUL MORE
Sites and Monuments Record No.: WA036-025; WA036-008001; WA036-008002; WA036-008003 Licence number: 16E0375
Author: David J. O'Connor
Site type: Post-medieval roads
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 628524m, N 588637m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.048969, -7.584141
The Ring Helvick Water Supply Scheme is a development proposal towards the provision of a new pipeline and reservoir areas serving the areas south of Dungarvan, Co Waterford. In March 2016 a desk-based Archaeological Assessment of the project was undertaken by Magnus Archaeology, highlighting the potential for archaeological material to survive in certain areas.
Monitoring of the geotechnical ground investigations in these areas was undertaken by Magnus Archaeology between 21 September and 11 November 2016.
Main Finding
Six test pits, seven slit trenches and one bore hole were monitored as part of this phase of investigation. The old Dungarvan to Youghal road surface survives in the grass verge along the N25 from the southern roundabout for some distance south. It likely dates to the early 19th century. An old road surface was also observed under the existing R674 road close to monument WA036-003. It also likely dates to the early 19th century. No archaeology was observed during the monitoring. No archaeological finds were recovered.
C/O Magnus Archaeology, 57 Grianan Fidh, Aiken's Village, Sandyford, Dublin 18