2016:800 - Mullanahoe Road, Ardboe - Mullanahoe, Tyrone

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Tyrone Site name: Mullanahoe Road, Ardboe - Mullanahoe

Sites and Monuments Record No.: TYR040:006 Licence number: AE/16/011

Author: Ciara MacManus

Site type: Prehistoric


ITM: E 693280m, N 874780m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.612644, -6.555921

Pre-development test trenching at the site of a proposed building project within the grounds of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Parish of Ardboe, uncovered sub-surface archaeological remains within a small portion of the south-east corner of the site, adjacent to monument TYR040:006. Two curvilinear ditches/gullies, uncovered within Test Trenches 4, 7 and 8, may have enclosed an area of high ground towards the top of the drumlin, encompassing a small spread and a sub-oval pit which possibly related to funerary activity dating to the Bronze Age. A further two subsoil-cut pits were identified 2.5m and 7.5m west of the curvilinear features.
Artefacts recovered from curvilinear ditch feature (F3) – a sherd of possible prehistoric pottery and a piece of struck flint, and pit (F1) – burnt bone and sherds of pottery (possibly Bronze Age in date) suggest a tentative prehistoric date for the activity uncovered during the evaluation, thus predating the occupation associated with rath TYR040:006.

FarrimondMacManus Ltd, Adelaide House, Hawthorn Business Centre, 1 Falcon Road, Belfast