2016:310 - The Heath, Tipperary

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Tipperary Site name: The Heath

Sites and Monuments Record No.: TN041:037 Licence number: 16E0443

Author: Mary Henry

Site type: Modern agricultural features


ITM: E 610391m, N 658159m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.674496, -7.846353

Testing was undertaken as part of granted planning permission to build a dwelling house in the townland of The Heath which is located c. 2.5km to the south-west of Thurles town. A ringfort is located c. 20m to the north of the front of the house site, on the opposing side of the public road.

A total of five test trenches were opened on the site. Within test trench No.1, towards its north-west end, evidence of two burnt spreads in close proximity were revealed. Nothing was found within these burnt patches to indicate their nature and if they related to the nearby ringfort. They may be of modern provenance relating to activity that could be associated with heath clearance. The townland name - "The Heath" - would suggest this area would have contained a lot of scrubland vegetation such as all varieties of thorn bushes/gorse.

A ditch-like feature was found crossing both trench Nos. 2 and 3. This feature was cut from within the topsoil and may be and considered to be of relatively modern provenance. A series of manually cut agricultural furrows were found crossing both of these trenches. Within test trench No. 5 two more features were uncovered.  On investigation it appeared that these features related to relatively modern agricultural activities.

17 Staunotn Row, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary