County: Tipperary Site name: Kilroe and Drumlummin, Burncourt
Sites and Monuments Record No.: TS087-003 Licence number: 16E0066
Author: Avril Purcell, Lane Purcell Archaeology
Site type: Ringfort and cremation burial
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 599376m, N 616349m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.307895, -8.009001
Testing was undertaken at two proposed locations, Kilroe and Drumlummin, to be impacted upon by the Burncourt Regional Water Supply Scheme. The testing in Kilroe focused on two proposed locations for an extension to an existing reservoir located adjoining an upstanding ringfort. Three test trenches were excavated to the south of the existing reservoir compound, three excavated within the reservoir compound and two to the north. No features of archaeological potential were revealed within the existing compound which appears to have been heavily disturbed during the construction of the reservoir and ancillary building and services in the 1960s.
To the south of the existing compound three features of archaeological potential were revealed in the trenches. The features ranged in diameter from 0.3m to 0.65m. Limited investigation revealed deliberately cut sides and charocal-flecked fill. They may be assoicated with the nearby ringfort.
To the north of the ringfort three features of archaeological potential were also identified in the trenches. The features ranged in diameter from 0.35m to 0.6m. Cremated bone was apparent at the surface of one of these features and charcoal flecking was in evidence in the other two. No further investigation was undertaken to minamise disturbance. Any further groundworks to be undertaken will require further investigation.
In Drumlummin three test trenches were excavated in the locations of proposed site investigation works. No features or finds of archaeological potential were revealed in these trenches.
64 Fr Mathew Rd, Turner's Cross, Cork