2016:197 - Ballynaglogh, Cloonahinshin, Cloonameehan North, Cloonameehan South, Deechomade, Knockanimma, Montiagh, Rinnarogue, Shancarrigeen or Oldrock, Spurtown (Duke), Spurtown Lower., Sligo

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Sligo Site name: Ballynaglogh, Cloonahinshin, Cloonameehan North, Cloonameehan South, Deechomade, Knockanimma, Montiagh, Rinnarogue, Shancarrigeen or Oldrock, Spurtown (Duke), Spurtown Lower.

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0287

Author: Tamlyn McHugh

Site type: No archaeology found


ITM: E 0m, N 0m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.067458, -8.578344

A programme of monitoring was carried out by Moore Group at Oldrock, Co. Sligo. The project involved the insertion, mainly by directional drilling techniques, of a new water mains pipe adjacent to the old pipe. In the vicinity of the ground work were a number of recorded monuments. The groundworks were undertaken between July and September 2016. Works involved the excavation of launch and receptor pits at various locations in the Oldrock area of south-west County Sligo in the townlands of Ballynaglogh, Cloonahinshin, Cloonameehan North, Cloonameehan South, Deechomade, Knockanimma, Montiagh, Rinnarogue, Shancarrigeen or Oldrock, Spurtown (Duke) and Spurtown Lower. The overall project involved the installation of approximately 7.7km of pipeline. Pipe laying works were also carried out in the vicinity of several other monuments including SL039-001 Enclosure, SL039-008 Ringfort and SL039-147 Souterrain. Monitoring was conducted in the zone of archaeological potential for SL039-158001 and SL039-158002 Fulacht Fiadh in townland of Shancarrigeen or Oldrock.

Two large Fulacht Fiadh mounds could be observed clearly in a low-lying boggy field directly north of the pipeline. The pits excavated here contained a dark peat under a grass sod layer. No material of an archaeological nature was noted here.

In Spurtown Lower a service connection trench was excavated in a green field site within the zone of archaeological potential for SL039-053 Barrow – Embanked Barrow, and also within close proximity to SL039-052001 Ringfort and SL039-052002 Souterrain. The barrow site was located at the top of the gentle slope approximately 10m from the outer edge of the service trench. The trench measured 180m in length, 0.6m deep and 0.5m wide. The stratigraphy consisted of a grass covered sod layer over rich brown clayey silt with occasional sub-angular and sub-rounded small to medium sized stones. No material of an archaeological nature was noted in this trench.

Further pipelaying works were located in the vicinity of SL039-002001- Cloonameehan Dominican priory and SL039-002002- Graveyard. No finds or features of an archaeological nature were noted during the course of monitoring at this location.

Moore Group Corporate House Ballybrit Business Park Galway