2016:646 - Meath various towns for water rehab scheme, Meath

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Meath Site name: Meath various towns for water rehab scheme

Sites and Monuments Record No.: various Licence number: 12E0096 extension

Author: Judith Carroll

Site type: Testing and monitoring


ITM: E 0m, N 0m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.727000, -6.876900

Testing and monitoring was carried out during the digging of engineer’s site investigation (SI) test pits and slit trenches for the Meath Watermain Rehabilitation-Phase 2. Irish Water is proposing to upgrade the pipeline infrastructure and this upgrade will be carried out in a number of urban, suburban and rural areas throughout the county. This licence (12E0096) is an extension of that granted in 2012 for the same scheme. A monitoring report for this scheme was submitted in 2012 but SI works on the scheme did not recommence until June 2016. In conjunction with this report, monitoring of SI pits and test trenching was carried out in Kells and Fennor townland, Co. Meath under Ministerial Consents for both RMP sites. Monitoring in Kells was carried out under Consent C533 (E004426) and at Fennor, C738 (E004659). All three comprise the total monitoring of the SI pits for this scheme and the trial testing.

The areas covered by this scheme were Kells, Slane (including Fennor), Navan, Trim, Oldcastle, Athboy, Duleek, Ratoath, Mornington, Laytown and Dunboyne and their environs in most cases. The pipeline was planned to run through the centres and outskirts of the above locations, in many cases, in areas of high archaeological potential. Only one feature of note came to light. It was recommended that trial testing should take place to investigate a thick wall feature, 1.5 m wide, found during monitoring of the engineer’s slit trench ST3-077 at the east end of St Patrick’s Park, Dunboyne.

Ballybrack Road, Glencullen, Dublin 18