County: Meath Site name: Ballymagarvey
Sites and Monuments Record No.: ME032-009 Licence number: 16E0582
Author: Niall Colfer
Site type: No archaeological significance
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 699812m, N 764646m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.622108, -6.491219
Monitoring took place of groundworks at Ballymagarvey House, Balrath, County Meath. The works, which have been deemed exempted from planning by the local authority, comprise the excavation of a channel to facilitate the proper drainage of the area away from the R153 (which forms the northern boundary of the site) and into the River Nanny.
The development impacts upon the constraint circle associated with Ballymagarvey Church (ME032-009), a monument in the ownership of Meath County Council.
The new drainage ditch was excavated across the fields approximately 120m north of Ballymagarvey House and 30m south of the southern boundary of the church and graveyard. The ditch ran east to west for a distance of approximately 395m and was 3500mm in width throughout.
No evidence contemporary with the medieval church was found during monitoring. The eastern area of the trench along with the area immediately south of the graveyard had been dug recently in order to create a new car park and access road. Demolition fill and one wall footing were located 50-60m south-west of the church and graveyard and were deemed to be post-medieval in date.
Archaeology and Built Heritage