County: Meath Site name: BROWNSTOWN
Sites and Monuments Record No.: ME026-014 and ME026-014001 Licence number: 16E0401
Author: Damian Finn
Site type: No archaeological significance
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 695379m, N 766419m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.638862, -6.557662
The site is located in Brownstown townland, Navan, Co Meath. A site inspection did not reveal any upstanding monuments. ME026-014 and ME026-014001 lie within 100m of the site of the proposed development, which comprises of the retention of existing buildings together with the construction of a new rotary milking parlour and ancillary site works. As a condition of planning was that monitoring be carried out for the removal of topsoil, the excavation of trenches for foundations, services and drainage associated with the proposed development. In addition to relevant documentary research and site inspection. Monitoring of the topsoil and overburden removal was undertaken from 30/07/16 to 2/08/16. A mechanical excavator with a toothless bucket was utilised to topsoil strip all areas of the development site affected by ground-works. No archaeological deposits were uncovered. |
Leitrim , Mullagh, Kells, Co Meath