County: Meath Site name: Piercetown
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0451
Author: Deirdre Murphy
Site type: Early medieval enclosures
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 701448m, N 745416m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.449043, -6.472729
The assessment was carried out between 5 – 9 September 2016. A total of 55 test trenches and 31 Testing Areas were excavated in the areas to be disturbed by the proposed development and within the area of two enclosures identified during a geophysical survey conducted in 2006 (Sites 1-2). The presence of the two enclosures at Sites 1-2 was confirmed as various sections of the outer enclosure ditch were identified as areas of mid-grey silty clay containing charcoal and animal bone. Additional linear features and ditches were also identified within the interior which correspond to features identified as ditches on the geophysical survey. A third enclosure site was identified within Trenches 47-50 to the south of the site and designated as Site 3. Portions of the outer ditches were identified as areas of grey silty clay with charcoal and animal bone. Internal features, linear features, ditches and one possible pit, were also exposed.
Three additional sites were also identified at Site 4 (Trench 45) where three linear features, a possible pit, an area of oxidized clay and a possible field boundary were identified; at Site 5 (Trench 33) where a large spread of charcoal-rich clay was exposed and at Site 6 (Trench 48) where a curvilinear ditch was identified.
No testing was carried out the in north-western portion of the site due to the presence of overhead high tension electrical cables. However, no works will be carried out within this field that might affect any potential archaeological material as it is proposed to use the lands to stockpile soil, but this will be carried out without stripping the existing topsoil and any subsurface archaeological material will be preserved in situ.
Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit, Unit 21 Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co Louth