2016:206 - Gortloney, Meath

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Meath Site name: Gortloney

Sites and Monuments Record No.: None Licence number: 16E0667

Author: Dominic Delany

Site type: No archaeological significance


ITM: E 654872m, N 773647m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.709622, -7.168842

Monitoring of ground preparation works was carried out on a proposed afforestation site at Gortloney, Co. Meath on 8 December 2016. The technical approval issued by the Forest Service required a 30m exclusion zone around ME015-065, a ringfort located in the field immediately south-east of the application site, and monitoring of all groundworks within the field adjacent to the monument. The exclusion zone within the site was fenced off in advance of works. A tracked excavator opened a series of drains (D 0.25m) at 8m intervals and used the soil from these drains to create mounds for planting. The stratigraphy generally comprised of dark grey/brown clayey silt topsoil (T 0.1m) over grey/brown silty/clayey sand and gravel. No archaeological material was found.

Dominic Delany & Associates, Creganna, Oranmore, Co. Galway