2016:763 - Ballindine West, Mayo

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Mayo Site name: Ballindine West

Sites and Monuments Record No.: None Licence number: 16E0122


Site type: No archaeology found


ITM: E 537251m, N 768169m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.659514, -8.949348

A test excavation was undertaken in advance of the reclamation of 3.5ha greenfield site as part of the N17 Carrownurlaur to Ballindine road widening scheme in Co. Mayo. The lands for reclamation comprised waterlogged marginal pastureland and the southern site boundary is the county boundary with Galway. In all, 14 test trenches were set out equidistantly across the site and all were excavated to the level of the natural subsoil. No features or finds of archaeological significance was exposed and no further archaeological involvement was required of the development.

Rostellan, Midleton, Co. Cork