2016:599 - Drummindoo 5, Mayo

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Mayo Site name: Drummindoo 5

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: E004727

Author: Ian Russell

Site type: Pits, post-holes, spreads and smithing hearths


ITM: E 502259m, N 785696m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.811599, -9.484130

A number of features including a small curvilinear slot trench, a possible smithing hearth, charcoal-production pit, possible pits, post-holes, stake-holes, a linear ditch with a curving terminus and furrows were identified during testing at Drummindoo 5. Excavation suggested the features represent a small smithing site with a hearth producing a quantity of iron slag and smithing cakes.

The smithing hearth was almost keyhole-shaped in plan with a central circular area (dimensions of 0.8m by 0.76m by 0.13m in depth) adjoined by a flue-like projection measuring 0.44m by 0.3m by 0.17m in depth. A nearby pit probably acted as a charcoal-production pit with some large charcoal fragments (probably of oak) evident within.

Excavation of the possible slot trench failed to identify any cut and confirmed it was only a deposit measuring 0.2m in width and 0.02m in depth.

The linear ditch measured 0.7m in width, 0.3m in depth and may represent an old field boundary. A number of spreads of naturally derived material containing charcoal flecks were evident and pits, mainly oval in plan, and some stake-holes were excavated. A relatively modern metalled roadway visible on the first edition OS map was also exposed and recorded.

A total of 24 soil and environmental samples were taken from the site. Radiocarbon analysis of any charcoal present should provide a date range for the use of this site. All metallurgical waste will be analysed. No other finds were recovered from the archaeological features.

Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit, Unit 21 Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co Louth