County: Mayo Site name: Cloondeash 2
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: E004703
Author: Joe Nunan
Site type: Pits and a linear feature
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 513303m, N 797398m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.918684, -9.319792
The site at Cloondeash 2 was located at the crest of a hill and excavation exposed seven pits, a single linear feature and their fills. The pits were located in two areas of the site: a group of four survived near the centre of the site and a group of three pits were situated in the north-eastern part of the site. The first group contained a large circular pit (F3) measuring c. 2.38m x 2.4m x 0.83m and it contained an iron object (E004703:36:1) within one of its fills. A second pit (F4) was located 1.15m to the north-east and it was sub-rectangular in plan measuring 0.43m x 0.53m x 0.2m. The third pit (F19) was circular in plan with a diameter of 0.55m and a depth of 0.3m. The fourth pit (F38) was sub-oval in plan measuring 0.72m x 0.4m x 0.28m. The second cluster of pits comprised F33, F21 and F22 measuring 3.2m x 2m x 1m; 0.7m x 0.6m x 0.33m and 1.05m x 0.7m x 0.18m respectively. The first cluster of pits are most likely post-medieval to modern in date while the second cluster are of unknown date. The linear feature measured 8.6m x 0.6m x 0.09m and represents a modern agricultural furrow.
Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit, Unit 21 Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co Louth