2016:572 - Claggarnagh East 4/5, Mayo

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Mayo Site name: Claggarnagh East 4/5

Sites and Monuments Record No.: none Licence number: E004694

Author: Siobhan McNamara

Site type: Burnt stone spread


ITM: E 508664m, N 786634m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.821189, -9.387185

Two burnt stone spreads, cultivation furrows, stone-filled land drains and a possible pit/trough were identified at Claggarnagh East 4/5. The larger spread (F03) to the west measured 12m east-west by 7m and the smaller spread (F04) to the east and upslope measured 6m by 6.2m. A possible trough/pit (F08) was located just north of the smaller spread to the east of the site. It was rectangular in plan and extended beyond the land-take. The trough was originally timber lined but only the base timbers and the lower of the side-wall timbers survived in a poor state of preservation. It measured 1.8m by 1.3m with a maximum depth of 0.58m. The base of the timber-lined trough sealed an earlier alder plank which displays evidence for possible saw marks. No finds were recovered from this site.

Post-excavation analysis is ongoing for this site and it is hoped to obtain dating evidence from radiocarbon analysis of charcoal samples recovered.

Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit, Unit 21 Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co Louth