County: Mayo Site name: Corraun
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0186
Author: Tamlyn McHugh
Site type: Burnt spread and possible wooden trackway
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 0m, N 0m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.720916, -8.773805
Fadó Archaeology were commissioned to carry out a programme of archaeological testing at Corraun Co. Mayo. The proposed development work entailed the extension of the quarry by an area of 5.029ha, for the extraction of sand and gravel, together with a programme of reinstatement works. The quarry was located in undulating pasture land characterized by small field systems enclosed by stone walls. Natural drumlin features occurred to the north and north-east of the site. An extensive area of bogland lay to the west of the proposed development area.
32 linear test trenches were excavated across the entire development site. The length of the trenches ranged between 8m to 162m. The depth of the trenches ranged from 0.15m to 1m. The stratigraphy in Test Trenches 1, 2, 13-32 consisted of grass sod over topsoil over a substrate consisting of dark orange boulder clay and light greyish yellow clay with frequent deposits of sandy gravel. In the south-western area of the development, where Test Trenches 3-12 were excavated, the stratigraphy consisted of peat overlying light greyish white clay.
During the course of the testing in this area archaeological material was noted in Test Trenches 9-12. In Test Trench 9 traces of a burnt spread was found 0.5m below the ground level. The spread consisted of charcoal, ash and fire-cracked stones over an area of approximately 24m north-south x 9m. In Test Trenches 10-12 there were remnants of what may be a possible wooden trackway or togher measuring 7m south-west/north-east by 41m. Several timbers were noted lying in a horizontal position and embedded in the peat substrate, 0.35m below the surface. The largest timber measured 1.2m x 0.2m, while the smallest measured 0.2m x 0.1m. There were also small fragments of twigs and other vegetation occurring along with these larger pieces. There were no traces of tool marks on the exposed timbers.
Following consultation with the planning archaeologist for Mayo County Council, it was decided that the exposed archaeological material be covered in geotextile material and carefully backfilled under strict archaeological supervision. An exclusion zone of 5m from the archaeological material was set out and a wire and post fence erected to prevent access to this area of the site. It was recommended that no future work take place in this area of the site to prevent any unnecessary disturbance to the subsurface archaeological remains.
Fadó Archaeology, 17 Cooldrumman Upper, Carney, Co. Sligo