2016:171 - Ballinrobe Demesne, Mayo

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Mayo Site name: Ballinrobe Demesne

Sites and Monuments Record No.: MA118-022 Licence number: 16E0106

Author: Richard Crumlish

Site type: Fulachta fiadh


ITM: E 518987m, N 764100m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.620447, -9.224549

The test excavation of a site in advance of development at Ballinrobe Demesne townland, on the outskirts of Ballinrobe town in County Mayo, was carried out between 9 and 22 June 2016. The proposed mixed development includes a hotel, residential and retail units. Testing was required due to the size and scale of the proposed development and its location within the constraint for Ballinrobe Town (MA118-022). The site included and was located within the grounds of Cranmore House, a protected structure constructed in 1838. The site also included three fields of pasture which slope down to the rivers Robe and Bulkan, which form the southern and western boundaries of the site.

Testing involved the excavation (by machine) of seventeen trenches, located to best cover the area of the proposed development. The trenches measured 19.2m, 17m, 40.9m, 35.6m, 29m, 24.6m, 30m, 80m, 36m, 39m, 70m, 90.3m, 80.5m, 19.1m, 70m, 64.6m and 19.2m long respectively; 1.8-2.5m wide and 0.1-2.1m deep. Testing revealed natural undisturbed stratigraphy, i.e. topsoil above natural subsoils and bedrock, in seven of the trenches. Below the topsoil in five more trenches was modern fill, above natural subsoils and bedrock. Only modern artefacts were recovered. A clay loam deposit found below the topsoil and above the natural subsoils in two trenches along the Bulkan River contained modern pottery sherds and may have been the result of flooding or the use of re-deposited subsoil to raise levels to avoid flooding. A culvert and land drains revealed in six of the trenches were associated with groundworks undertaken as part of the setting up and/or maintenance of the estate around Cranmore House in the 19th/20th century. Other features associated with Cranmore House, including paths and a driveway, were also uncovered.

A burnt spread was uncovered in one of the trenches located along the River Robe. It was further investigated between the 2 and 4 August 2016 and was found to be the remains of two fulachta fiadh. Burnt Mound A was a crescentic-shaped area of heat-shattered rocks, burnt soil and charcoal (ITM 518873, 764158) which opened to the west, i.e. towards the river. It was located 0.4-0.55m below the surface and measured 8.9m north-south by 2.5-6.8m. Burnt Mound B was located 1.3m to the north-east of Burnt Mound A and consisted of a horseshoe-shaped area of heat-shattered rocks, burnt soil and charcoal (ITM 518878, 764162) which opened to the north. It was located 0.3-0.4m below the surface and measured 8m east-west by 3.5-5.5m. The further investigation also revealed a portion of the trough of Burnt Mound B.

4 Lecka Grove, Castlebar Road, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo