County: Mayo Site name: Ballina/Beleek (Tirawley By.)
Sites and Monuments Record No.: NA Licence number: 16E0209
Author: Billy Quinn
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 524878m, N 819711m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.120953, -9.149139
The site straddles the townland boundaries of Ballina to the south and Belleek to the north and is situated west of Castle Road in a green field site within the former Belleek Manor Demesne (NIAH Garden survey ref; MA-24-G-251206). There are a number of recorded monuments in the wider area including RMP MA030-035 described as a Castle, 320m to the east. Archaeological testing was carried out in bright and showery conditions over two days on 4th and 5th of May 2016. In total 366m of trenching was completed across the undisturbed southern half of the site. Excavation exposed a natural stratigraphy with a relatively deep subsoil overlying natural sand. No finds, materials or features of archaeological potential were noted.
Moore Archaeological and Environmental Services, 3 Gort na Ri, Athenry, Co. Galway