2016:483 - Dromdarrig, Mungret, Limerick

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Limerick Site name: Dromdarrig, Mungret

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0075

Author: Seán Shanahan

Site type: Urban - multi period


ITM: E 553994m, N 653747m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.632991, -8.679632

Testing took place in advance of development in Mungret. 10 features, including two deposited spreads, four pits and four linear ditches were found. The natural layer in this area consisted of a yellow silty clay.  Occasional to frequent charcoal inclusions were recorded in fills.  The pits to the north-west of the excavation area are in keeping with the general activity identified across the entire excavated area, their form and fills being suggestive of water troughs which are associated with burnt mounds. 

A burnt spread was identified within the south-east corner of the development area - within the footprint of the proposed playground.

The excavation uncovered evidence of activity most likely prehistoric in date. The association of a spread of heat-shattered stone in charcoal-rich soil, with a trough or water pit, indicates a prehistoric fulacht fiadh.   

Shanarc Archaeology Ltd, 39A Hebron Business Park, Hebron Rd, Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny