2016:357 - Dromdarrig, Limerick

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Limerick Site name: Dromdarrig

Sites and Monuments Record No.: none Licence number: 16E0537

Author: Tracy Collins, Aegis Archaeology Ltd

Site type: Prehistoric


ITM: E 553652m, N 653718m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.632702, -8.684680

During test trenching in 2015 (15E0236) by Linda Clarke in advance of the construction of two new schools at Mungret, two features were found, identified as a kiln and a pit. The writer excavated those features and monitored the stripping of the footprint of the buildings.

When the area around the two features were stripped back the area contained 4 pits and one large stake-hole. Three of the pits were in a line, orientated north-south, with the fourth pit some 6m to the west of this line. The stake-hole was to the east of the northernmost pit. Three of the pits had several fills, some of which showed evidence of burning. A large earthfast flat boulder was positioned between two of the pits, but its function was unclear. The two larger pits each had a sherd of prehistoric pottery (MBA) in their upper fills, and the isolated pit had a fragment of a furnace bottom in its upper fill. It appears that the pit group may relate to metalworking activity. Dating evidence is awaited to ascertain the precise date of the features.

32 Nicholas St, King's Island, Limerick