County: Kilkenny Site name: Dunnamaggan
Sites and Monuments Record No.: Vicinity of KK031:003 Deserted Medieval Village Licence number: 16E0058
Author: Angela Wallace, Atlantic Archaeology
Site type: Linear features, pits and spreads
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 648174m, N 639210m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.502153, -7.290455
11 test trenches were excavated across the footprint of a dwelling, driveway, garage and percolation area. No archaeological finds or features were encountered in Test Trenches 1-9.
A single linear ditch feature orientated east-west with some animal bone, flecks of charcoal and a fragment of an 18th-century red glazed ceramic was exposed in Test Trenches 10 and 11. A second phase of testing was carried out and an additional five test trenches were excavated at the southern end of the site. Trenches 13 and 14 further investigated the linear ditch feature but no definitive dating evidence was discovered for it.
The evidence from Test Trenches 15, 16 and 17, which all had a significant quantity of linear features and possible pits and spreads, points to there being significant medieval archaeological activity at the southern end of this site. Three sherds of medieval ceramics were discovered.
Recommendations from Phase 2 testing results were to avoid all works and ground disturbance at the southern end of this site and for area to be fenced off and also to carry out archaeological monitoring during construction phase.
Subsequent monitoring did not reveal any evidence for archaeological features within footprint of dwelling at the northern end of the site.
Pier Road, Enniscrone, Co. Sligo