2016:498 - Tinnahinch Weir, River Barrow, Graignuenamanagh, Kilkenny

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kilkenny Site name: Tinnahinch Weir, River Barrow, Graignuenamanagh

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16D0060 and 16R0140.

Author: Rex Bangerter, ADCO

Site type: Riverine, weir structure, industrial heritage


ITM: E 670979m, N 642644m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.530195, -6.953028

Underwater Archaeological Impact Assessment (UAIA), including an Industrial Heritage Assessment, took place at Lower Tinnahinch Weir, River Barrow, Graignuenamanagh. The assessment was undertaken as part of pre-planning considerations associated with the insertion of a new fish-pass, rock-ramp, and associated remedial works at the weir site. The assessment area lies within a historically rich landscape, highlighted by the extensive adaptation of the River Barrow for industrial use in the late 18th and early/mid-19th century. Lower Tinnahinch Weir and its adjacent bypass canal form tangible reminders of this industrial past. The assessment recorded and highlighted the importance of those features within that landscape.

The archaeological work comprised the comprehensive assessment of a 150m stretch of the River Barrow, extending from a point 50m upstream of the weir structure (ITM: 670923E, 642673N) to a point 100m downstream (ITM: 671087E, 642559N). The assessment recorded riverbed topography and provides a detailed account of the existing riverside environment. On-site work comprised systematic non-disturbance inspection of the river channel, its attendant bank structures and any associated riverine features. Particular attention was paid to the assessment of Lower Tinnhainch Weir, which is subject to a number of impacts from the proposed development. The on-site work was carried out on 28 June 2016.

No. 2, Main Street, Bennettsbridge, Co. Kilkenny