2016:475 - 27 & 27A St Kieran Street, Kilkenny, Kilkenny

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kilkenny Site name: 27 & 27A St Kieran Street, Kilkenny

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0442

Author: Seán Shanahan & Edel Barry

Site type: Urban medieval


ITM: E 650509m, N 656058m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.653361, -7.253499

Archaeological investigation took place in regard to development sought for the change of use of the ground floor of an existing shop unit (27 St Kieran’s Street) to restaurant use, linking to the existing ‘The Yard’ café (which currently occupies the rear of the property - 27a St Kieran’s Street), and associated ancillary works.  

Monitoring was conducted during the removal of plaster from walls at the site, for the purpose of identifying any medieval stonework that may be present and which could be impacted on by the development.

A number of architectural fragments and features were recovered as part of the work of removal of plaster and plasterboard from the walls, as well as the insertion of steel supports and wall ties.  

Finds included a segmental arch-headed recess which may have been an early fireplace.  At the springing of the arch some of the voussoirs were missing and the arch had partially collapsed as a result.  The removal of the panelling underneath the deep display window to the ground floor to the front (west) elevation of the unit revealed a pair of dressed stones.  A pair of worked stone blocks were recovered from the front elevation of the building. Sherds of pottery dating to the post-medieval period were found. Other artefacts consisting of clay pipe, tile and brick were discovered.  

Shanarc Archaeology Ltd, 39A Hebron Business Park, Hebron Rd, Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny