2016:281 - Pollagh, Kilkenny

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kilkenny Site name: Pollagh

Sites and Monuments Record No.: KK025-024 Licence number: 16E0404

Author: John Kavanagh

Site type: Adjacent to barrow


ITM: E 668764m, N 650290m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.599520, -6.984938

An assessment carried out of the archaeological potential of a development site in Pollagh, Skeoughvosteen, Co. Kilkenny. The house site is located within the zone of archaeological potential of KK025-024 and KK025-025, a barrow and holy well. The assessment involved the excavation of three test trenches across the site. No features or finds of archaeological significance were identified.

12 Cherrymount Drive, Carlow