2016:461 - Site 1, Littleconnell, Newbridge, Kildare

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kildare Site name: Site 1, Littleconnell, Newbridge

Sites and Monuments Record No.: KD023-123 Licence number: 16E0547

Author: Jon Stirland, Will O'Siorain, Ian Russel and Robert Breen

Site type: Bronze Age


ITM: E 682146m, N 715752m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.185876, -6.770915

The assessment was carried out between 9 and 16 November 2016. A total of 15 test trenches were excavated within Field 1, and a further 6 trenches within Fields 2 and 3. The test trench layout was designed to specifically target geophysical anomalies identified across the site and a very close correlation between the test trenching results and the results of the geophysical survey was noted.

Although the enclosure sites and their associated field systems are extensive, they are focused upon the high ground located within the western portion of the site (Field 1). The test trenching appears to indicate that the field systems located along the north-western side of the main enclosure site are likely to be contemporary with the enclosure and that the regular network of roughly rectangular field systems identified by aerial photography and geophysical survey further east represent much later field systems associated with the agricultural development of the landscape through the 18th and 19th centuries.

From a study of early Ordnance Survey maps, it appears possible that the curving field boundary ditch and water course to the north of the enclosure may form a further outer enclosure. This curving field boundary ditch and water course is also a townland boundary. The test trenches excavated within Fields 2 and 3 identified the remains of a small isolated fulacht fiadh, that was also originally identified during the geophysical survey; the features consist of three circular pits containing burnt stone. The mound of burnt stone that would have been associated with these pits has been extensively ploughed out and is only visible as a dark staining of the topsoil.

Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit, Unit 21 Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co Louth