County: Kildare Site name: Gleann na Gréine, Naas
Sites and Monuments Record No.: KD019–030 Licence number: 16E0032
Author: James Hession, Rubicon Heritage Services Ltd
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 689532m, N 719640m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.219617, -6.659346
Test trenching was undertaken at Gleann na Gréine, Naas, Co. Kildare at the site of the proposed extension to Lawlor’s Hotel, between 24 and 25 February 2016. These works were undertaken on behalf of Marchford Ltd. in advance of an application for planning permission to Kildare County Council
The proposed development will consist of a four to five-storey structure over full-footprint basement incorporating 80 additional bedrooms and other rooms and the provision of 140 car parking spaces. The foundation design has not yet been finalised, but an indicative foundation layout is available and has formed the basis for this impact assessment. The main parking structure will be supported on a piled foundation.
It had been suggested that the property line (a roughly coursed limestone cobble party wall) between the present Lawlor’s Hotel and the Gleann na Gréine property could incorporate the remains of part of Naas’ town wall circuit (assuming such existed at this location). Previous archaeological investigations within properties to the west of the site—fronting onto Friary Lane or Poplar Square—including the present Lawlor’s Hotel, had uncovered evidence for earthen defences (a medieval ditch).
In February 2016, a geophysical survey was undertaken across the proposed development site as part of the pre-planning archaeological assessment (Licence No.: 16R0007; O’Flaherty 2016). The survey did not identify any geophysical anomalies that were deemed likely to represent buried archaeological deposits. A Historic Building Record Survey of the limestone cobble wall was also undertaken.
The third phase of work consisted of the excavation of eight test trenches across the site to test the veracity of the results of the geophysical survey and to establish whether the existing party wall was constructed over the remnants of the town wall.
The testing programme established that there are no sub-surface structural remains associated with the town defences or any other structure within the footprint of the proposed site. The existing party wall has no medieval fabric nor is it constructed over the foundations of an earlier structure. In addition, there were no indications that any other archaeological features or deposits were present within the proposed development site. The available evidence suggests that the medieval town defences in this area were primarily earthen defences—bank and ditch. The results of previous investigations on adjacent properties suggest that the circuit of these earthen defences lies to west of the development site. The western property boundary and current upstanding boundary walls lie outside of the circuit of these earth-cut defences. The testing results suggest that all of these walls are post-1700 in date. Comparison with historic mapping suggests that the main section of the western boundary relates to a walled garden for the property fronting onto Poplar Square (corresponding to the current Lawlor’s Hotel) shown on 19th-century OS mapping.
Though no evidence of either standing or sub-surface remains of the medieval town defences of Naas were identified within the site, the western boundary of the site does reflect the likely alignment of these defences. This boundary and spatial division will be largely preserved within the design and layout of the new development so that this alignment can continue to be ‘read’.
All groundworks associated with the proposed development will be subject to monitoring.
References: O’Flaherty, E. 2016 Geophysical Survey at Gleann Na Greine, Naas, Co Kildare. Unpublished specialist report by Rubicon Heritage Services Ltd for Clarke and Co., Consulting Engineers and Architects
Unit 2 Europa Enterprise Park, Midleton, Co. Cork