County: Kildare Site name: Whitesland East
Sites and Monuments Record No.: None Licence number: 15E0286
Author: Dominic Delany
Site type: No archaeological significance
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 673851m, N 713163m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.163828, -6.895597
Pre-development testing was carried out on a residential development site at Melitta Road, Kildare from 22-25 February 2016. The site is located north-east of the historic town of Kildare (KD022-029) and west of the Curragh archaeological complex (KD022-071). The southern extent of the site lies within the area of constraint for burial KD022-037. This part of the site was subject to testing in 2004 but no archaeological material was found.
The current phase of testing comprised the excavation of fifteen trenches within the site boundary. The results of testing revealed a uniform stratigraphy across the site with 0.2m of grey/brown silty sand topsoil overlying orange/brown clayey sand subsoil. Occasional deposits of grey coarse sand and gravel were recorded in the east of the site. The topsoil was quite sterile and the only finds were a couple of pieces of animal bone and some small sherds of modern pottery. No archaeological material was found.
Dominic Delany & Associates, Creganna, Oranmore, Co. Galway