County: Kildare Site name: Rickardstown
Sites and Monuments Record No.: KD023-112 Licence number: 16E0355
Author: David McIlreavy
Site type: Prehistoric funerary activity
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 679323m, N 716344m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.191623, -6.812996
Testing was carried out as part of an assessment included in the EIS for the proposed development at Rickardstown, Co. Kildare. The site covers c. 13 hectares across three fields. A total of 82 test trenches, measuring 2,450 linear metres, were excavated across the test area over the course of seven days in July 2016. Three proposed trenches (8, 9 and 10) were not viable due to the proximity of overhead wires. The trenches targeted geophysical anomalies identified in the central and south-western fields during a geophysical survey undertaken in June. In addition, systematic trenching was carried out in the north-eastern field which was unsuitable for geophysical survey.
A total of five Archaeological Areas (AA 1‒5) were identified during testing which appear to represent the remains of dispersed funerary activity dating to the prehistoric period and potentially a small-scale settlement feature of uncertain date. Excluding the archaeological features in AA 1–5 the geophysical survey combined with test trenching has indicated that the remaining anomalies and features on site are geological in nature or represent modern disturbance. The testing also confirmed that the suspected enclosure KD023-112, purported to be located in the north-east corner of the central field, is in fact not located within the proposed development area.
Groundworks associated with the proposed development will have a significant direct negative impact on the features identified during testing in AA 1–5, and any associated archaeological remains. Disturbance associated with construction, such as topsoil stripping and excavation/reduction of ground level, will cause the removal of the above-mentioned features. It is acknowledged that preservation in situ of archaeological remains is the preferable option wherever possible. However, it is not possible to redesign the proposed development in order to preserve these sites in situ. As such it was recommended in the EIS that Archaeological Areas 1–5, and any associated features, be fully preserved by record in advance of construction. Furthermore it was recommended that all ground disturbances associated with the proposed development be monitored by a suitably qualified archaeologist.
IAC Ltd, Unit G1, Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow