County: Kerry Site name: Lecanabuaile, Kimego West
Sites and Monuments Record No.: KE079-016---- Licence number: E004601; C0688
Author: John Olney
Site type: Testing
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 444717m, N 580939m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.958824, -10.259504
Testing was conducted on 11/01/2016 in response to a request for further information in relation to a planning application at Kimego West, Cahirciveen, Co. Kerry. The applicant proposed the refurbishment of a dwelling house and the installation of a septic tank and percolation area in a greenfield site approximately 20m south of the existing house.
The greenfield area was subject to testing due to the proximity of the site to a stone-fort, ‘Lecanabuaile’, a National Monument (No. 414) in the guardianship of the state. The fort is set in a wider archaeological landscape and is one of three stone forts within a 500m radius.
5 test trenches were excavated covering a total linear meterage of 105m within an area measuring 20m (east-west) x 25m. The site is set on a gradual south-facing slope and the excavated trench profiles reflected this gradient.
3 trenches were orientated north-north-west/south-south-east across the site and 2 additional trenches were aligned perpendicular to these to maximise the coverage within the site. Each trench measured 1.8m wide reflecting the width of the grading (toothless) bucket as utilised on the 13-tonne mechanical excavator.
Trench lengths varied from 15m to 25m with average depths of 0.4m. The excavated soil profile was made up of 0.15m mid-brown clayey topsoil overlying 0.35m greyish brown clayey silt subsoil onto greyish orange glacial till.
4 sherds of 19th/20th-century pottery were noted in the topsoil together with plastic and modern rubbish. The line of a single Eircom duct was encountered in Trench 3 but this location had been identified in advance of works and was not exposed during testing.
No finds, features or deposits of archaeological significance were encountered during testing.
for Patrick Griffin, M.R.I.A.I. Planning Consultant, Letter, Cahirciveen, Co. Kerry.