2016:389 - Gurteenavallig, Carhoona, Farrannawana, Kerry

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kerry Site name: Gurteenavallig, Carhoona, Farrannawana

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0489

Author: Laurence Dunne

Site type: Brick clamp and stake-holes cluster


ITM: E 503654m, N 646364m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.560054, -9.420955

Linear test excavations were undertaken in October 2016 with regard to a proposal to construct an underground cable from Leanamore Windfarm, located c.3km south-west of Tarbert in North Kerry to connect to a substation at Kilpaddoge townland. A series of 61 test trenches (T1-T61), extending for a total of 1220m and 1m in width, were opened along the proposed cable route. The topography in the townlands changes from rolling good quality farmland at the north to poor quality, marshy land at the south.

Two areas of archaeological interest were recorded during the testing: a stake-hole cluster and a brick clamp were discovered in test trenches T25 and T30. The stake-hole cluster in T-25 was revealed in an expanded area measuring 4m x 3m. In total 50 stake-holes disposed in a general sub-oval concentration was discovered. Two of the stake-holes were investigated and contained rich charcoal fills. The stakes had been driven into a mid-orange silty sandy clay subsoil. No archaeological artefacts were found.

The second area of archaeological activity consisted of a brick clamp discovered in T30. Three additional offset cuttings were opened at right angles to T30 while the northern limit of the cutting was also slightly extended. The exposed limits of the brick clamp which included a section of an in situ brick ‘bench’ or row, were cleaned by hand, recorded and plotted using a global navigation satellite system. No further work was undertaken

3 Lios na Lohart, Ballyvelly, Tralee