2016:385 - Derreennamucklagh, Kerry

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kerry Site name: Derreennamucklagh

Sites and Monuments Record No.: KE100-017, KE100-017001, KE100-017002 Licence number: 16E0272

Author: Laurence Dunne

Site type: No archaeology found.


ITM: E 475601m, N 565778m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.830371, -9.804919

Testing was undertaken at Derreennamucklagh, Tahilla Cove, Kenmare Bay, Co. Kerry with regard to a planning application to construct a dwelling house. The proposed development site is situated on a wooded rocky eminence on the shore of Tahilla Cove within the zone of notification of complex KE100-017, KE100-017001 & KE100-017002, classified as a Ringfort, Souterrain and Children’s Burial Ground respectively.

Five 1m wide test trenches (T1-T5) were opened on the footprint of the proposed dwelling, access driveway and biocycle. On average the topsoil cover was c. 0.2m deep that overlay orange sterile material on prominent bedrock. Nothing of an archaeological nature was recorded. Previous testing was undertaken at the site in October 2001 with similar negative results (Kiely 2001).


Kiely, J. (2001), Archaeological Assessment Report, Tahilla Cove, Derreennamucklagh, Sneem, Co. Kerry. Unpublished Report Eachtra Archaeological Projects.

3 Lios na Lohart, Ballyvelly, Tralee