2016:384 - Curragraigue, Kerry

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kerry Site name: Curragraigue

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0389

Author: Laurence Dunne

Site type: Fulachta fiadh, pits, post-holes, stake-holes


ITM: E 481505m, N 612586m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.252216, -9.735517

Testing had previously been undertaken at this proposed development site at Curragraigue, Blennerville, Tralee, Co. Kerry in 2005 (Licence No.: 05E0750). Two areas of archaeological interest, A & B, were identified. Area A (13m x 11m) comprised a series of pits, post-holes and stake-holes. Area B comprised a single possible pit (Dunne 2005). No further archaeological work was undertaken as the client did not proceed with the proposed development. In 2016 further test excavations were undertaken as well as the excavation of the two areas revealed in 2005. Seventeen linear test trenches (T1-T17) were excavated and revealed two burnt mounds discovered in test trenches T10 and T12 making a total of four areas (Areas 1-4) that were ultimately fully excavated under an extension to the licence.

Area 1

A sub-rectangular area (c.17m x 15.5m) was excavated and revealed eleven pits, twenty-one post-holes, ninety-seven stake-holes and one small spread feature. No apparent pattern was identifiable that could suggest a structure. A small assemblage of artefacts was recovered including two saddle quernstone fragments (F#1 and F#6) recovered from post-hole C.35 and from shallow pit C.174. A paddle-shaped quernstone (F#7) was also recovered from pit C.200. A whetstone fragment (F#5) and two possible rubbing stones (F#3 and #4) were also found. A single wooden stake fragment (F#2) was recovered from stake-hole C.39.

Area 2

Area 2 (7m x 6m) was sub-rectangular in shape and contained a single sub-oval pit (C.3) of unknown function. The pit contained a single fill consisting of dark brown/grey moderately compacted silty sand with small to medium sized sub-angular stones and moderate charcoal flecks. No artefacts were recovered.

Area 3

Area 3 was square in shape (12.5m x 12m) and contained a truncated fulacht fiadh measuring 9m x 6.5m and c.0.2m in maximum thickness. The main burnt mound material (C.285) comprised typical frequent heat-shattered stones in a charcoal-enriched black/brown silty sand matrix.

Excavation revealed a bipartite unlined trough (C.286) in the southern limits. The trough was sub-oval in plan and measured 2.9m east-west x 1.45m and 0.45m in depth. It contained two heavily enriched charcoal fills and heat-shattered stones. A small rubbing/burnishing stone (F#11) was recovered from (C.289). Twenty stake-holes were found within the trough and along its western edge.

Area 4

Area 4 was sub-rectangular and measured 16.5m x 13m and contained a second fulacht fiadh 11m north-west x 8m and 0.45m in depth. Excavation of the fulacht ultimately revealed, three troughs, two post-holes, seventeen stake-holes, seven small slot-like features and a drain. Few separate deposit contexts were recorded within the mound material. The contexts were all very similar, comprising black to dark brown moderate to soft compaction silty sand with a large volume of heat-shattered stones and variable amount of charcoal inclusions. A worked stone (F#10) and small flint (F#9) were recovered in context (C.328).

A clearly defined linear feature (C.356) extended east-west through virtually the full width of the fulacht fiadh. Three conjoined earth-dug troughs (C.329, C.337 and C.338) were located approximately in the mid-section of the fulacht fiadh. Six small slot-like features were found within trough C.329 and one within trough C.337. Seventeen stake-holes were identified in Area 4. With the exception of two situated within trough C.337 and one within trough C.338 they formed two coherent clusters or groupings. The first cluster was situated between troughs C.329 and C.338 and the second situated c.0.7m west of the first. Two post-hole-like features were found in close proximity to the troughs. Three artefacts were recovered from Area 4 of which two were flints (F#9 and F#12). Post-excavation analysis is ongoing.


Dunne, L. 2005. Test Excavations at Curragraigue, Blennerville, Tralee, Co. Kerry. Unpublished Report, Eachtra Archaeological Projects.

3 Lios na Lohart, Ballyvelly, Tralee