County: Kerry Site name: Dromagorteen
Sites and Monuments Record No.: KE102:031001 Licence number: Unlicensed
Author: Niall Gregory
Site type: No archaeological significance
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 495397m, N 565570m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.832560, -9.517740
Monitoring of 60m² area 80m from a Hut Site at Dromagorteen, Kenmare took place on 9 November 2016. Within this area eight percolation holes and 4 geological test pits were excavated. Their purpose was to assess ground conditions for percolation area in advance planning application for construction of toilets for Bonane Heritage Park.
The site’s general stratigraphy consisted of 0.15m sod and silty grey brown clay onto 0.35-0.4m orange silty sand on to grey pink sand and sandstone. No archaeology was encountered.
Dunburbeg, Clonmel Road, Cashel, Co. Tipperary