2016:060 - Knockeenduff, Kerry

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kerry Site name: Knockeenduff

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0071

Author: Michael Connolly

Site type: Cut features


ITM: E 496926m, N 593541m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.084189, -9.503965

Pre-development test excavations took place on a 5-acre site proposed for a new graveyard on the northern side of Killarney. A total of 11 trenches were excavated in two adjoining fields. The more easterly field showed extensive evidence of cultivation in the form of lazy beds and plough furrows. A small spread of burnt material and fire-cracked stone was uncovered at the north end of this field in Trench 4. A large, linear ditch was uncovered in the eastern side of the field in Trenches 9 and 10. The feature is possibly a drainage ditch though this is not certain.

The more westerly field was less disturbed by agricultural activity and a number of features were identified. In Trenches 1-3 a large ditch was uncovered in the western side of the field. It is broadly parallel to that in the easterly field though the lower fill was not composed of gravel as in the eastern field. An area of burnt soil, charcoal and stone was uncovered in both Trench 2 and 3 while three possible pits/post-holes were recorded in Trench 3. Further excavation will be required in the areas of identified potential

Kerry County Council, Ratass, Tralee, Co. Kerry