2016:118 - Scoil Naomh Bhride, Lackagh, Galway

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Galway Site name: Scoil Naomh Bhride, Lackagh

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: N/A

Author: Ross MacLeod & Stephen Hourihan

Site type: No archaeological significance


ITM: E 540831m, N 735738m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.368520, -8.889072

Unlicensed monitoring was undertaken at Lackaghbeg townland, Lackagh, Co. Galway on 6 and 7 December 2016. These works were commissioned by Coolsivna Construction Ltd on behalf of Hamilton Young Architects and Scoil Naomh Bhride. The proposed development consists of the demolition of the school building and associated temporary classroom accommodation and the construction of a two-storey building and associated works. The proposed site is close to the site of a castle (GA070-088) and of a church (GA070-102) and a recommendation was made that pre-development testing be carried out. Test trenching was undertaken under Licence 14E0041 by Anne Carey in March 2014. No archaeological features were identified. No features of archaeological significance were identified during the course of the monitoring works. 

Rubicon Heritage Services Ltd, Unit 2 Europa Enterprise Park, Midleton, Co. Cork