2016:146 - Tattyreagh; Killycorran; Killybane (Co. Fermanagh), Timpany (Co. Tyrone), Fermanagh

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Fermanagh Site name: Tattyreagh; Killycorran; Killybane (Co. Fermanagh), Timpany (Co. Tyrone)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: AE/16/110E

Author: Martin McGonigle

Site type: early medieval


ITM: E 642949m, N 845505m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.356404, -7.339268

Tyrone Timpany 248490/349764 (Irish Grid)

One test trench was excavated on the site. Excavations revealed evidence of a significant ditch (c.05) up to 7m in width surrounding a large platform approximately 45m in diameter. This feature may be an early medieval rath.

Fermanagh Killycorran 248876/350227 (Irish Grid)

Two test trenches were excavated on the site, comprising 120m². A few linear features were observed in the test trenches. These were investigated by means of section and sondage and all proved to be modern in date. Nothing of archaeological significance was identified.

Killybane 245699/347215(Irish Grid)

Testing was undertaken on the site, comprising a total of 120m² of linear test trenches. A number of linear features were identified in both trenches excavated on the site. Investigation showed them to be for the most part ephemeral in nature and likely to be modern in date. A field drain containing modern pottery was investigated near the centre of Trench 2. Nothing of archaeological consequence was identified in any of the test trenches excavated on this site.

Tattyreagh 243113/345562 (Irish Grid)

A systematic archaeological testing programme was undertaken across the site, comprising a total of 420m² of linear test trenches. A number of linear features generally orientated north-west/south-east were identified in many of the test trenches. Investigation of these features – often found in parallel groups within trenches – showed them to be for the most part ephemeral. The majority of these features were deemed to cultivation furrows and some were identified as drains. All of these features were considered to be modern in date. A number of potential features were identified at the southern end of Trench 2. On investigation, these features were found to be either natural accumulations of soil or modern drainage features (evidenced by the discovery of modern ceramics). Nothing of archaeological consequence was identified during this programme of testing.

John Cronin & Associates, 28 Upper Main St. Buncrana, Co. Donegal