Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0140
Author: Paul Duffy
Site type: Monitoring
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 720082m, N 761892m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.593119, -6.186028
Monitoring of groundworks associated with site investigation works for the Balbriggan Phase 2 WSN Upgrade at Balrothery, County Dublin was undertaken in response to planning conditions attached to the proposed development (Planning Ref.: Part VIII). It follows a previous archaeological assessment carried out by Faith Bailey in September 2015.
Monitoring of two geotechnical slit trenches took place in the townland of Balrothery on 11 October 2016. Two trenches were excavated along the access road to Balrothery village, the R132. Trench 1 measured 5m long x 0.3m wide x 1m deep. The south end contained a block of concrete, the north end held a plastic pipe, and there was a pipe on top of concrete in the middle of the trench.
Trench 2 was located further north along the same road. It measured 4.8m long x 0.7m wide x 1.7m deep. The middle of the trench contained a pipe at a depth of 1.2m. This pipe was on top of concrete and the fill above it was very stony. The western and eastern trenches had a compact brown fill with gravel and stones. The west end contained a black plastic pipe at its bottom corner with a thin grey stony layer.
No features or deposits of archaeological significance were identified during monitoring of groundworks on site. As such, no further archaeological mitigation was deemed necessary.
Unit G1, Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow