2018:076 - Priorswood, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: Priorswood

Sites and Monuments Record No.: n/a Licence number: 16E0069

Author: David McIlreavy, IAC

Site type: 17th-century occupation


ITM: E 718020m, N 741145m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.407230, -6.224964

In April 2016 an excavation was undertaken at Priorswood, Clonshaugh, Co. Dublin of features identified during monitoring (Licence 16E0062) of construction works. The excavation revealed the truncated remains of structural surfaces, a drainage channel, a clay-bonded stone structure and associated occupational deposits. All of these features are considered to be 17th century in date. Late/post-medieval radiocarbon dates obtained from this site (AD 1449–1633 and AD 1458–1635 both 2 sigma calibrations) confirm the dating for the site as suggested by the artefact assemblage.

It is intended that this report should be read in conjunction with that describing the wider monitoring works conducted across the development site under Licence No. 16E0062. All features identified were excavated, and no further archaeological works were deemed necessary with regard to this development.

IAC Ltd, Unit G1 Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Wicklow