2016:395 - 37 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: 37 Merrion Square, Dublin 2

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0074

Author: Gill McLoughlin

Site type: 18th-/19th-century basement and associated well


ITM: E 716787m, N 733544m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.339226, -6.246306

Monitoring of site clearance, demolition, piling and groundworks related to the redevelopment of the Goethe Institute, No. 37 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 was carried out by Gill McLoughlin, Siobhan Deery and Steve Hickey of Courtney Deery Heritage Consultancy Ltd on behalf of Henchion & Reuter Architects for Bundesamt fur Bauwesen und Raumordnung (Federal office for Building and Regional Planning – Germany). The archaeological works were undertaken in response to Dublin City Council Planning Condition No.3 of Planning Register Reference No.: 3563/10.

Due to the intermittent nature of the on-site ground reduction, underpinning and piling, monitoring took place intermittently between 21 March 2016 and 6 December 2016.

Site works exposed the original late 18th-/early 19th-century basement of No. 37 Merrion Square (RPS Ref. no. 5135) which consisted of several upstanding walls, a light well, flagged and cobbled surfaces, drains, and internal features. These remains were recorded and removed.

A brick- and stone-lined well measuring over 5m in depth was uncovered at the rear of the site. This well was contemporary with the period of use of the basement. The remains of this well extended beyond the formation level of the basement for the new development and following consultation with the City Archaeologist it was recorded, and the lowest levels were covered in terram and preserved in situ.

The remains of the mews/stable walls dating to the mid-19th century were also exposed. No features or finds of archaeological significance (pre-1700) were identified as a result of these works. All archaeological issues related to this development have been resolved.

Courtney Deery Heritage Consultancy, Lynwood House, Ballinteer Road, Dublin 16