2016:158 - Scots Church and Hall, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: Scots Church and Hall, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0034

Author: Aisling Collins ACAS

Site type: Urban – post-medieval


ITM: E 716092m, N 734573m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.348623, -6.256360

An assessment took place in accordance with the planning grant conditions for the proposed modification and extension to the existing structures and for change of use from ecclesiastical to office use as part of the planned expansion of the VHI Healthcare Office Headquarters at Abbey Street Lower, Dublin 1.

Scots church is listed as a protected structure NIAH reg no. 50010287.

Testing was carried out throughout the site in April and June 2016. Testing showed evidence of a small cellar (in pile pad 1) and also evidence of red brick walls that are likely to be the remains of a truncated 18th-century house to the rear of Scots Hall that will be preserved in situ.

No other archaeology was present.

Annesley Mews, Brighton Ave, Monkstown, Co. Dublin