County: Dublin Site name: Holmpatrick
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/a Licence number: 16E0286
Author: Faith Bailey & David McIlreavy
Site type: Prehistoric acitivty
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 725882m, N 758819m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.564158, -6.099703
Testing was undertaken from 25 to 29 July 2016 at Holmpatrick, Skerries, Co. Dublin. This was carried out using a 13 tonne tracked excavator, with a flat, toothless bucket, under supervision. A total of 38 trenches were mechanically investigated across the test area which had a combined length of 2124 linear metres.
Testing was carried out in order to respond to a Request for Further Information as issued by Fingal County Council (Planning Ref.: F16A/0085). A geophysical survey of the site was also carried out in order to inform the placement of test trenches (Earthsound, Licence Ref.: 16R0095). Numerous geophysical anomalies were identified during the geophysical survey of the site, including a previously unrecorded circular enclosure in the south‐eastern part.
A total of twelve Archaeological Areas (AA 12) were identified during testing. These represent the remains of pre‐1843 field systems, along with a number of features in the eastern part of the site that appear to relate to possible prehistoric burnt mound
activity. A number of deposits of archaeological potential were also identified, that may seal further archaeological features. However, these were located in parts of the proposed development that will remain as green field areas and as such intrusive investigation was not deemed to be necessary. A charcoal clamp was identified in the western part of the site and testing confirmed the presence of the circular enclosure in the south‐eastern part of the proposed development area. This appears to represent a possible late Bronze Age enclosure, although its function was not defined during the assessment. No evidence for burial activity was identified, although it appears the enclosure was backfilled relatively quickly after excavation.
IAC Ltd, Unit G1, Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow