2016:137 - 30 & 32-36 Thomas Street, Dublin, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: 30 & 32-36 Thomas Street, Dublin

Sites and Monuments Record No.: DU018-020, DU018-020652, DU018-020621, DU018-020740 Licence number: 16E0054

Author: Faith Bailey, IAC Ltd

Site type: Urban medieval & post-medieval


ITM: E 714508m, N 733871m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.342662, -6.280393

Monitoring of site investigations was carried out at 30 & 32-36 Thomas Street, prior to the development of student accommodation. It was originally proposed to excavate 23 site investigation pits, along with taking three window samples and drilling three bore holes. However, some changes to the layout were required and as such Test Pits 1, 2, 5, 19 and 22 were not excavated. Test Pits 11, 12 and 13 had to be abandoned due to the level of concrete discovered, although Test Pit 11a was excavated to the north of its original position. A total of seven window samples were taken, three through the base of Test Pits 11, 16, and 18. Of the seven pits excavated beneath the current grounds floors of 34-36 Thomas Street, evidence of potential medieval deposits was noted in Test Pits 9 and 23. A well-preserved cobbled surface was identified in Test Pit 4, which may represent the former surface of Thomas Street before it was narrowed. Organic deposits that may represent tanning activity of medieval or post-medieval date were identified in Test Pits 15 and 16 to the rear of the development area. A pottery sherd of possible 17th-century date was recovered from Test Pit 11a in the eastern extremity of the area. Potential medieval deposits were identified in all of the window samples that were characterised by black organic material. Similar deposits were also identified from Bore Hole 3. Once demolition of the upstanding structures within the development area has been completed, the site will be subject to testing.

Unit G1, Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow