2016:055 - Glebe, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: Glebe

Sites and Monuments Record No.: DU026-025 Licence number: 15E0367

Author: David McIlreavy

Site type: Cairn site


ITM: E 723588m, N 722886m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.241949, -6.148384

The current programme of works was undertaken to investigate the site of DU026-025, a cairn, in Glebe townland. The site is located within the Cherrywood SDZ to the immediate south of the Wyatville Link Road and east of the M50. The cairn site is also designated as a Protected Structure in the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Development Plan (2010–2016). A trio of cairns were recorded on the first edition OS map during the 1840s which were later designated as DU026-025 (current site), DU026-024/153 – Laughanstown Wedge Tomb/ cairn, and DU026-026 – cairn. Within the last 20 years the surrounding lands have been subject to significant disturbance and development with the construction of the M50 motorway to the west, the Wyatville Link Road to the north and the Cherrywood Business Park to the east.

During these previous works the cairn DU026-026 and surrounding lands were subject to full excavation. This led to the discovery of significant Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement and funerary activity within the footprint of the roads and construction corridors. Subsequent to this phase of investigation aerial photographic coverage of the site suggested, and field inspection confirmed, that further ground disturbance and dumping of materials occurred adjacent to the current cairn site.

Clearance of dense overgrowth on and around the site was monitored as part of these works to enable further investigation. This clearance revealed an outcrop of natural granite rock. The site was investigated by two hand-excavated test trenches located across the site between 14 December 2015 and 2 February 2016.

T1, 10m in length, was excavated north-east/south-west from the summit of the cairn site to its northern base. T2, 24m in length, was excavated north-west/south-east across the cairn site. T1 and T2 revealed a poorly developed, sporadic soil horizon which contained dumped construction materials. No cairn fabric was identified in either of these trenches.

In addition, on 4 October 2015, four trenches (T3-T6), measuring 100 linear metres, were mechanically investigated to the north-west and west of the cairn site, within the surrounding zone of archaeological potential. This was carried out using a mechanical excavator, equipped with a flat, toothless bucket, under supervision. No features or finds of archaeological potential were recorded in T3-T6. Large deposits of disturbed modern building debris and rubbish were noted in one of the trenches.

Metal detection of spoil was undertaken during the testing programme under licence 15R0131. A single ferrous object, corroded ferrous hook, was identified in topsoil which appeared to be of 19th- of 20th-century origin. No evidence for in situ cairn material was noted in any of the test trenches and a visual inspection of the surrounding area confirmed this. Based on these investigations it is considered that the site is non-archaeological and comprises of a natural outcrop of granite bedrock.

IAC Ltd, Unit G1, Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow