2015:227 - 30–32 Molesworth Street, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: 30–32 Molesworth Street

Sites and Monuments Record No.: DU018-020 Licence number: 15E0380

Author: Faith Bailey & David McIlreavy

Site type: Post-medieval mews basement


ITM: E 716107m, N 733686m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.340652, -6.256460

The development area is located within the Zone of Archaeological Potential for Dublin City (DU018-020). One sub-constraint is recorded within the site, which consists of the house at No. 32 Molesworth Street (DU018-020262). The principal houses fronting onto the street have been retained and the plots to the rear of the structures were re-developed.

Monitoring was carried out between September 2015 and February 2016 by Faith Bailey, David McIlreavy and Brenda Fuller. Monitoring works established the location of heavily truncated basement structures associated with 18th/19th-century mews development. Monitoring also revealed evidence for the partial reuse of one of the basement structures for coal storage until the 19th century.  One of the vaulted structures is, for the most part, located beneath the adjacent No. 29 Molesworth Street and will be preserved in-situ.

With the exception of the post-medieval development, no specific features of archaeological significance were recorded during the monitoring works.


IAC Ltd, Unit G1 Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow