County: Down Site name: Station Road, Ballyward - Ballyward
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: AE/16/051
Author: Ciara MacManus
Site type: No archaeological significance
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 727700m, N 838382m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.278272, -6.039060
An archaeological evaluation in relation to a proposed residential development 35m south-west of no. 26 Station Road, Ballyward, Co Down was carried out in response to a condition of planning approval under Planning Policy PPS6 BH4.
The proposed development site is located within the Ballyward Area of Archaeological Potential with a number of recorded archaeological monuments within its wider surroundings. Historical mapping has indicated a relatively low level of development within the boundaries of the PDA during the last two centuries and there remains the possibility of subsurface archaeological remains surviving which have the potential be impacted upon by the proposed development.
The archaeological evaluation revealed that while a number of field drains associated with the 19th- – 20th-century occupation of the site survived beneath topsoil, no previously unidentified archaeological deposits were located. It is therefore recommended that no further archaeological works are required in associated with the current development.
FarrimondMacManus Ltd, Adelaide House, Hawthorn Business Centre, 1 Falcon Road, Belfast